Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bugs, Bugs Bugs

And I don't mean insects. I was fighting code bugs all day that kept getting resolved then reappearing... a very frustrating day. I'm tired and cranky and have a headache. So today I will keep my bitching to myself and share some photos...

I'm not sure what this thing is. But I had them for breakfast... it is basically a spicy donut, full of onions and peppercorns and such. they are good.

From Bangalore Day Four

From Bangalore Day Four

Decorations out front of my hotel. I've noticed a recurring theme of floating flowers in small pools or bowls of water...
From Bangalore Day Four

From Bangalore Day Four

Not sure what the hunger strike is about. Though I do know that Feb to June is a hellza long time...
From Bangalore Day Four

I mean, with all of these freaking coconuts everywhere, theres no reason to go hungry
From Bangalore Day Four

Caught one of the 'please sound horn' trucks
From Bangalore Day Four

In the US I know many folks that have small saints, angels or Jesus on their dashboard (one of my buddies used to have what he called his 'parking angel' LOL); here its Ganesha, the half human half elephant god... I surretipitously snapped this on the way to work this morning:
From Bangalore Day Four

I've been working very closely with one of the dev leads here on these bugs and issues, which means we have both been in the office until midnight the past few days. We took a walk down the street to grab some chinese food for dinner (I've actually been to several good chinese restaurants since coming here.) Over dinner we had some interesting discussions. He was surprised to hear that there are those that follow astrology, tarot cards and feng shui in the US. I was surprised to think that many of the things that shape (however subtly) me and my partner's world view are fundametally at their core derived from Indian mysticism. I know my honey would really enjoy it here, the more I talk to folks.

Outside the mall is a fountain and a golden statue of Ganesha (the same statue my driver has on his dashboard.) My colleague explained to me that Ganesha is used to bring you luck in new endeavors. I told him we should get some Ganeshas, all that we can ;^)

From Bangalore Day Four

From Bangalore Day Four

One unfortunate thing that the US and India have in common is firsthand experience with terrorism. Maybe we DO need more of Ganesha's luck, all of us.
From Bangalore Day Four

(From what I gather matrubhumi means 'country' or 'motherland')

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