Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birdwatch 2012: baby robins

For the past 3 years, we have had various birds nest, lay eggs, and raise chicks in a large shrub right outside our window.  For the first time this year we captured some awesome pictures and a few choice videos...
feeding baby birds
   One thing that has fascinated me was noticing how both the male and female robin work together to care for, feed, lookout and protect the babies, 24/7 the entire time they were in that nest.  They would sit in the tallest tree in my yard and make the noisiest racket whenever any other birds were about (especially crows, they hate the crows!)  We would watch for them digging the yard for bugs and worms, and then come right up to our window and feed the babies.

baby birdface
 Love this shot, caught one little guy looking right back in the window at us!  The window was open with just a screen between us and them, it must have been weird for these birds sitting there listening to our TV, cooking and family conversations!

four baby birds

In less than 3 weeks these little guys hatched from tiny blue eggs, grew up, and all flew away.

Now, a few weeks later, I saw a robin stop by and check in on the nest, and I honestly could not tell if it was one of the babies grown up, or one of the parents.  It was a nice reminder to make this blog post...

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